Our Offerings

We offer online and in-person education.

Additional Classes

We also offer classes through our individual practices.


I don't identify as an herbalist, healer or have a particular interest in medicine, so initially I wasn't sure why I felt so drawn to participate in the first cohort of The Home Herbalist (previously the Now and Then Herbal Apprenticeship). Several years later, I continue to thank my lucky stars that I followed that impulse and connected with Sam, Renée, and the beautiful cohort I was privileged to be a part of- I think about conversations we had and lessons I learned from them just about every day. With deeply thoughtful, grounded, informative, compassionate, and soulful curriculum, teaching, and guidance- I don't hesitate to recommend this program even if, like me, you don't identify as an herbalist or healer. For me it was a loving investment in my own everyday relationship to plants, magic, and medicine on a personal level. Watching Sam and Renée follow their paths and cultivate meaningful work in community and relationship is a joy and an inspiration. 

- Student, The Home Herbalist 2020